1. All class sessions are a maximum of 1hour. Please adhere to the start times of your class session. There may be times where the class might finish late depending on the aspect of the lesson.
2. Only learners are allowed to in the class sessions. Parents and family members are kindly requested to leave their children at class and return after the class session.
3. All learners must have their own instruments. In this art form practise is essential so one needs their own instrument to practise at home. All current instruments in class have to be of good sound and good condition. This will help the student to enjoy their practise and be in tune. Please seek advice from the teacher in terms of your instrument whether to refurbish or to purchase a new one.
4. All fees have to be paid in on time on a monthly basis. This enables the smooth running of the class in all aspects. For those who wish do EFT payments may do so by speaking to the teacher for bank details.
5. The sessions that Taal School of Music offer is on a monthly basis and once a student register’s for the year, this contract remains on a monthly basis for that year. Therefore if you miss out on a month’s tuition during the year, you are liable for that month’s fees. This again assists in the smooth running of the school.
6. We are committed in mentoring, inculcating and developing our students to a level that will give them the opportunity to become great musicians and singers in the future. In view of this annual concerts will be held to give students an opportunity to perform.